Armed Services and Veterans’ Affairs


The Committee on Armed Services and Veterans’ Affairs shall: (1) seek to establish a working relationship with those agencies in government, national, state and local, having the responsibility in the affairs of members of the various Armed Services and Veterans and to see that the programs to which they are responsible are administered fairly and justly to members of the minority community; (2) study conditions pertaining to veterans and members of the Military Service and their dependents and/or survivors in the community; (3) serve as a center of information on matters affecting the members of the Active Military, Reserves, State National Guard and Veterans; (4) maintain a repository of materials, information and forms to be used in assisting veterans and/or dependents of veterans and military personnel with their problems; (5) receive and act on all complaints relative to acts of discrimination on account of race, color, creed, or denial of benefits to which they are entitled because of discrimination; (6) Bylaws for Units of the NAACP [Adopted Effective March 2019] 44 prepare a quarterly report on committee activities to be submitted to the Executive Committee of the Unit and the National Director of Armed Services and Veterans Affairs.

Email Committee Chair

Communications, Press & Publicity


If you’re looking to serve on a committee that provides almost instant gratification—you’ve found it! We are looking for individuals with communication and marketing skills or are have a desire to develop them. Help us create, develop, and promote consistent messaging to support our mission through print and digital media in our community.

Meetings are held third Monday of every month at 5 pm via Zoom.

Email Committee Chair

Criminal Justice


The Committee on Criminal Justice shall: (1) seek to eliminate harsh and unfair sentencing practices that are responsible for mass incarceration and racial disparities in the prison system; (2) support and seek to increase trust and public safety by advancing effective law enforcement practices; (3) fight for the restoration of the voting rights of formerly incarcerated people and the removal of barriers to employment; (4) elevate the voices of crime victim survivors in order to identify and advance systemic breakdowns existing in the criminal justice system that Bylaws for Units of the NAACP [Adopted Effective March 2019] 45 perpetuate crime; (5) resolve to end the war on drugs for its disproportionate collateral consequences harm communities of color; (6) seek the institution and availability of alternatives to incarceration including education, employment, and mental health services; (7) eliminate zero tolerance policies implemented in our schools which are keeping kids out of the classroom and putting them on a path from the schoolhouse to the jailhouse; (8) investigate programs implemented in our local law enforcement agencies which derail from their main purpose of safety and order to conduct the work of federal agencies for which they do not have the capacity; and (9) seek budget modifications in states where incarceration receives more funding than education. 

Email Committee Chair

Economic Development


The Committee on Economic Development shall implement local efforts and support national programs to preserve and expand economic empowerment among African-Americans and other communities of color by (1) researching and establishing relationships with private and public entities; (2) supporting the work of the National Office in monitoring the progress and activity of private and public entities designated by national programs; and (3) implementing local efforts to promote the growth of business ownership; (4) increasing employment and job creation; and (5) encouraging business development and homeownership.


This committee meets the 4th Sunday of each month at 4 pm. Contact the committee chair for additional information and meeting link.

Email Committee Chair



We invite your support!

Step One: Become a member of the WVNAACP

Step Two: Volunteer your time and talents, and help us to expand our reach in Volusia County.

Who? We welcome Educators, Parents, Members of and Leaders in the community.

What? Donate your time and/or financial support to advance our mission.

What else?:

A. Tell your high school and college students about Community Service opportunities with us!

B.  Donate gift cards, technology, and school materials to support the underserved and to bolster our Incentive Programs.

Email Committee Chair



The Environmental and Climate Justice Committee shall: (1) seek to address environmental inequities at the local level and advocate for civil rights issues; (2) develop a comprehensive and holistic agenda to reduce pollution; (3) advance energy efficiency and clean energy; and (4) build disaster-resilient infrastructure policies and practices.

Meetings are held second Friday of every month at 6 pm via Zoom.

Email Committee Chair

Legal Redress


The Legal Redress Committee shall: (1) investigate all cases reported to it; (2) supervise all litigation in which the Unit is interested; and (3) keep the National Office and the Branch informed on the progress of every case. It shall not give general legal advice.

Email Committee Chair



The Membership Committee shall: (1) work throughout the year to maintain and increase the membership of the Association; (2) be responsible for planning and organizing the annual membership campaign; (3) be responsible on a continuous basis Bylaws for Units of the NAACP [Adopted Effective March 2019] 47 for soliciting new members and for securing renewals; and (4) initiate all possible means to obtain Life Members and sponsor a continuing program towards this end.

Email Committee Chair

Political Action/Civil Engagement


The Political Action Committee shall: (1) seek to increase registration and voting; (2) work for the enactment of municipal, state, and federal legislation designed to improve the educational, political, and economic status of minority groups; (3) seek the repeal of racially discriminatory legislation; (4) work to improve the administration of justice; (5) work to secure equal enforcement of the law; and (6) keep the National Office and the Unit informed of all proposed legislation which affects minority groups. The Committee shall be nonpartisan and shall not endorse candidates for public office.

Meetings are held last Sunday of every month at 12 pm via Zoom.

Email Committee Chair

Prison Branch


The Prison Branch Support Committee shall support the work of the Prison Branch in accordance with Article VIII, Section 6 (1- 11) by (1) working closely and directly with the members of their respective Prison Branch and the Regional Prison Coordinator; (2) maintain contacts with, and report regularly to the Regional Coordinators; (3) build, cultivate and maintain positive relationships between prison officials, Prison Branch members, and members within the local Branch; and (4) solicit community organizations and business to establish a volunteer bank (teachers, writers, poets, businessmen, ministers, lawyers, policemen, judges, government officials, politicians, and media personnel) to assist the Prison Branch in carrying out its programs.

Email Committee Chair

Youth Works


The Committee on Youth Work for State/State-Area Conferences shall consist of all Youth Unit Advisors and Youth Unit Presidents in the state, and five (5) persons appointed by the State/State Area Conference President. The Committee on Youth Work for Branches shall consist of the Youth Unit Advisor(s), and Youth Unit President(s) in the same community, and five (5) persons appointed by the Branch President. The Youth Unit Advisors and the Youth Unit Presidents shall choose the chair of the Committee. The Youth Work Committee shall develop and coordinate the programs of the Branch(es) and Youth Units. The Branch Committee on Youth Work shall turn the names, addresses, and membership dues of youth solicited by the Branch over to the appropriate National Office recognized youth group, if any, in their community. The Youth Work Committee shall monitor the youth membership in the Branch. If there is no local youth unit recognized by the National Office, the Committee shall recommend the Branch apply to the National Office for a Youth Charter and organize the appropriate youth group.

Email Committee Chair

Religious Affairs


The Religious Affairs Committee shall include ministerial and lay religious leaders who are members of the Unit. It shall: (1) promote an educational program designed to give moral and ethical interpretation to the civil rights struggle; (2) interpret the work of the Association to organized religious groups of all faiths; (3) enlist the support of such organized religious groups for membership, fundraising, and the struggle for equality and full civil rights; and (4) provide resource assistance for religious education and social action activities, associated with the improvement of race relations.

Email Committee Chair

Young Adult


The Committee on Young Adult shall consist of Branch members twenty-one (21) – forty (40) years of age. It shall be the function of the Committee to (1) support all branch activities; (2) stimulate interest through advocacy training and solicit the membership of twenty-one (21) – forty (40) years of age; (3) create a mentorship program (Branch to Young Adults and Young Adults to Youth Units) to serve as a support bridge from Youth and College to Branch Bylaws for Units of the NAACP [Adopted Effective March 2019] 48 participation; (4) provide networking and social opportunities for young adults in the local community; and (5) encourage the participation of young adults in all activities and leadership within the Branch.

Email Committee Chair

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